Drop-In Bird Banding Observation
Saturday, May 25, 2024 | 6:30 am
6:30 am - 12:00 PM
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Stop by the Albany Pine Bush to see wild birds up close and personal as Albany Pine Bush Preserve scientists capture them and fit them with uniquely coded leg-bands.
Bands are provided by the US Geological Society to licensed bird banders so scientists can identify individuals; this allows us to study how long birds live, where they breed, and when and where they migrate. While in-hand, the banders carefully take measurements that can indicate a bird’s health, age, and breeding condition.
We and the USGS use this information to evaluate the health of bird populations and the habitats they rely on during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. Tracking the distribution and abundance of species that specialize on our fire-dependent inland pitch pine-scrub oak barrens can also help guide the management and restoration of this globally-rare habitat.
This program is part of our 2024 Lupine Fest passport program, where you can earn prizes by participating in events all month long! To get your passport visit www.AlbanyLupineFest.org or download the Goosechase app and search for “Albany Lupine Fest”
Albany Pine Bush Discovery Center
From I-87 take exit 2W (Rt 5 West, Central Avenue). Follow Rt 5 for about 2 miles then turn left onto Rt 155 (New Karner Rd). Continue on Rt 155 for about 1.2 miles. The Discovery Center is located on the left at 195 New Karner Road. (518)456-0655
195 New Karner Road Suite 1
Albany, New York